Welcome to the Strong and Sultry Collective! My name is Jennifer Holland and I am honored you have found your way here. I have been coaching and facilitating for over 23 years and bring a large array of skills, insight, intuitive and esoteric wisdom into all my services and offerings. Sensuality, pleasure, and play are the pathways in which my methodologies are channeled and I love to weave in silliness, goofiness, and existential kink. Sessions and courses always include somatic practices and robust resources. My desire is to support you in opening up your curiosity to confidently explore in your every day life how you best thrive and to witness the shaping of your inner relationship to self (Inner Union) with healthy practices and rituals rooted in devotion. When this care is rooted in holistic ways, we activate the potent powers of our whole system (body, mind, energetics) which ignites change and growth in every realm of life. Once we are on our way to solid Inner Union, we can then begin to march down the pathways of Outer Union. Outer Union bridges the realms of how we treat and interact with our own thoughts and body and energy, in relationship and connection to other people, the care and relationship of our bodies, our sexual and sensual experiences, and the relationship to nature, work, community, and life at large. Both Inner and Outer Union rest on the foundation of cultivating safety through regulating the nervous system and emotional sovereignty.
Below you will find my offerings categorized by investment and level. This will assist you in finding the suggested products and services that will best support your journey to greater health, wellness, vitality, longevity, and satisfaction. If you are still unsure what is right for you, or would like a custom container or curated offering, please:
I live what I teach, and teach what I live and experience, and would like to share My Living Prayer for us all:
May we find our way back home to the innate wisdom that lives in our bodies and source more confidence, acceptance, love, pleasure, play, healthy connections, and peace daily. May we ignite our daily eros and find passion and magic in the mundane.
May we fall so madly in love with ourselves that we step into deep devotional care practices and development of our sovereignty.
With this liberation may we expand our energetic capacity to support and serve others in ways that activate cosmic reciprocity, nourish us uniquely and deeply, and collectively raise our desire to live in unity, love, peace and play.
Take a moment to "drop in" and feel into your physical body and name everything you are noticing, sensing, and experiencing in the physical body and your physical atmosphere. Textures, temperatures, sounds, tastes, smells. Then explore your mind and emotions.
Explore what thoughts and feelings are present for you in these more "non physiological" realms.
Did you struggle to connect to your body sensations or find yourself distracted in your mind chatter?
If yes, please explore all the options below tagged 'Inner Unity'.
Do you have a daily movement practice that supports longevity and vibrancy?
If no, join my Strong & Sultry Patreon for a robust Library of classes and practices.
Patreon is also where you will gain access to my monthly virtual "office hours" where we can gather in unity and I can answer questions, offer insight, lead us in a pertinent discussion, etc. I often find when we are in deep connection with one another, our success massively increases. There are also "saucier" tiers that include my sensual and erotic visual art and musings and have the goal to grow and add to the somatic sex education and relating library.
I firmly believe it is quite difficult to change our external realities before we excavate and re-shape our inner workings and relationship with ourselves. The images and offerings below are organized by columns, which represent different investment points.
The rows represent the levels from beginner to more advanced/experienced.
Lower Investment
Highest Investment
More Experienced
There are three main ways to work with me:
$33-600 one time investment or $12+/month subscriptions
Sliding Scale $75-250/hour
$300-1000/month investment
Sliding Scale $250-500/hour
$500-$10,000 investment